In order to turn visitors into customers on your website you need to pay special attention to your product pages. Potential customers need to be provided with as much product information as possible to help them make their purchases with confidence. Try to anticipate the types of questions your customers may have and make sure you have the answers at the ready. Ensure their shopping experience on your site is a breeze as frustrated customers often will not complete the sale or ever return to your shop again!
Essentials on product pages:
- High quality images of your product – from all angles, use a zoom in feature and perhaps also consider a staged shot showing your product in use.
- A review and rating system so customers can see how great everyone thinks your products are.
- Include suggestions on similar products the customer may be interested in.
- When selling clothing include an accurate sizing chart to reduce having to deal with returns.
- Be clear on exactly what the customer is buying – what is included and what is not. Include specifications and ingredients if applicable.
- Explain shipping costs clearly early in the sale process. Customers may abort the sale if they are faced with unexpected shipping costs.
- Another trick of the trade is to allow free shipping once a certain value of products is added to the cart. This little incentive can encourage customers to spend just a little bit more on your products.
- A good sales technique can be offering multi-buy discounts. This is something we all see at our local supermarkets on a regular basis but it can work equally well put to use on your online shop to encourage customers to ‘spend to save’.
At WebDesignGuys we have the experience and knowledge to get your ecommerce website pumping! If you would like to discuss further how to improve your website performance call or email us today.
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